José María Alonso


Aníbal Sabater

Fernando Mantilla-Serrano

Luca G. Radicati

Mercedes Fernández

Dyalá Jiménez

Aníbal Sabater

Fernando Mantilla-Serrano

Luca G. Radicati

Mercedes Fernández

Dyalá Jiménez

comisión recusación

Arbitrators’ Challenges Commission

The purpose of the Arbitrators’ Challenges Commission is to decide on the incidents of challenges of appointed arbitrators, subject to the provisions of the Rules.

The Chair of the Center, who acts as Chair of the Commission, and at least five other members, who are not members of the Plenary or of the Center’s Arbitrator’s Appointment Commission, nor of the governing bodies of the Association, nor of the Association’s founding members, shall form part of the Commission.