José María Alonso


Juan Serrada

Deputy Chair

Urquiola de Palacio

Deputy Chair

Javier Íscar de Hoyos

Deputy Chair

Elena Otero-Novas

Deputy Chair

Juan Serrada

Deputy Chair

Urquiola de Palacio

Deputy Chair

Javier Íscar de Hoyos

Deputy Chair

Elena Otero-Novas

Deputy Chair
presidencia CIAM-CIAR


The Chair is the highest body of representation and functional direction of CIAM-CIAR.

The Chair is appointed by the Plenary for a term of four years. The current Chair of the Center is José María Alonso.

The Chair has four Deputy-Chairs who serve four-year terms and a Support Committee comprised of two members of the Plenary who serve one-year non-renewable terms.