The costs of the international mediation service of the Madrid International Arbitration Center – Madrid International Arbitration Center – Ibero-American Arbitration Center (“CIAM-CIAR” or the “Center”) consist of the Center’s administrative expenses (admission fee and administration fees) and the mediator’s fees and expenses.
Administrative expenses
- The admission fee will be €1,500 (VAT not included). The admission fee is non-refundable.
- The administration fee will be €6,000 (VAT not included).
In case of multi-party mediations, an amount of €3,000 will be added for each additional party.
The Center may increase the administration fee in cases of particular complexity. In fixing them, the Center may take into account the amount of the proceeding, the hours spent in mediation or the duration of the mediation.
Mediator’s fees and expenses
- The mediator’s fee consists of €4,000 for the preparation of the case and €4,000 for one day of mediation, equivalent to eight hours of work. For each additional day of mediation, €4,000 shall be added to the mediator’s fee. The Parties and the mediator shall be free to fix as many days as they deem necessary.
- The mediator’s fees do not include any expenses incurred by the mediator, which shall be passed on to the parties upon justification by the mediator and upon approval by the Center of all or part of such expenses. The Center shall fix the amount of the mediator’s reasonable expenses, for which purpose it may take into account the amount of the proceeding.
Annex 2 to the Mediation Rules
The current account number of the International Arbitration Center of Madrid – Madrid International Arbitration Center – Ibero-American Arbitration Center where payment can be made is:
Beneficiary: Asociación para el Arbitraje Internacional de Madrid
Bank of the Beneficiary: CaixaBank
Account number: 2100 5731 73 0200314858
IBAN (electronic format): ES6121005731730200314858
IBAN (hard copy format): IBAN ES61 2100 5731 7302 0031 4858