Insurance and Reinsurance CIAM – CIAR/SEAIDA
The Working Group on International Arbitration in Insurance and Reinsurance is a joint group of CIAM-CIAR and the Spanish Section of the International Association of Insurance Law (SEAIDA). The Group, composed of experts in arbitration and insurance and reinsurance law, aims to explore the development and promotion of arbitration in the insurance sector, as well as to engage in research and training activities in this field.

María del Pilar Perales Viscasillas

Eduardo Albors

Jaime Albors

José María Álvarez-Cienfuegos

Jorge Angell Hoefken

Gonzalo Ardila Bermejo

José Luis Cubero Rivera

Olivia Delagrange

Paulino Fajardo Martos

Rafael Fernández

Luis Alfonso Fernández Manzano

Pablo González López

Javier Llorente

Luis Martín Rodríguez

María José Menéndez Arias

Enrique Navarro Contreras

Alonso Núñez del Prado Simons

Juan José Pedraza Laynez

Manuel Penadés Fons

Joaquín Ruiz Echauri

Antonio Santos Mayoral

María de los Milagros Sanz Parrilla

Andrea María Signorino Barbat

Álvaro Requeijo Torcal

Pedro Francisco Ramírez Mateo

Félix Benito Osma

Francisco José Cuenca

Sofía García-Ollauri

Margarita Morales

Ruth Pérez Acosta

Manuel Franco

Virginia Martínez Fernández

Fernando Gragera
Reports produced:
These documents are the result of the Working Group’s efforts and do not represent the official position of CIAM-CIAR. They do not constitute legal advice of any kind regarding a specific dispute.